Crater Sikidang, beautiful volcanic crater
Crater Sikidang gives another nuance to the tourism Dieng. Fresh green landscape suddenly disappeared once we entered the crater complex. As far as the eye could see, just a barren stretch of land surrounded by hills with a pool of continuous steaming distant end. A few meters from the entrance there is a warning sign that you be careful in moving, as well as the prohibition of a fire and throw cigarette butts.

Walking in the crater is indeed not be arbitrary. we had to jump around and look for dry land to gain a foothold. Craters are craters everywhere. In some places the soil looks wet with water roiling boil. These lands are dangerous to be climbed because it is very fragile and prone to landslides. Sulfur smell was overpowering. The farther to walk, the smell was getting stronger and nose piercing. A middle-aged woman standing in the middle of the barren desert wearing a hat and cover your nose. A lying sack with sulfur chunks laid out neatly on top. The stones were sold to visitors as a souvenir Sikidang crater. This crater is still a paradise for people who depend on mining activities brimstone. Although the smell was overpowering, but containing sulfur vapor is believed to be efficacious for the skin and eliminate acne.

Almost at the end of this complex, Crater Sikidang reigns. A large pool of water mixed with the gray mud that kept bubbling. End of the pool does not look as dark billowing white smoke. It is said that water and mud has a temperature of 98 degrees centigrade, and perhaps even more. Bamboo fence was built around the crater for the safety of the visitors. Nevertheless there are still a violation of this safety limit. There was a desperate visitor takes a picture of the crater lip stuck his foot and fell. When removed, the skin of his leg bones had melted and lived alone. Tourism is indeed a unique and exciting, but you must always be vigilant given the crater is still quite active.

Crater Sikidang have magma chamber in the bowels of the earth beneath. Magma chamber generates heat and energy with a very strong pressure. When this pressure reaches its peak, there will be eruptions and formed a new crater. Sikidang name is taken from the word "deer" means deer. The uniqueness of this crater is a crater that is always the main switch, as if looking for a new bolt. Big hole right in front of the complex is the main crater before he was "bored" and jumps to move to another place. If lucky you can also see some of the sulfur miners are busy looking for chunks of sulfur to be sold to the city. If you are the adventurous who want to feel standing on the earth's magma pot, Sikidang Crater is the place. But remember, be careful as we go along and do not start a fire. Good luck ...

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