treatment of ABSCESS in Indonesia

Causes of Boils - How To Treat Boils. Ever have a boil? It must be excruciating, especially if the ulcer is located in the most sensitive .. Extraordinary pleasure. But the real cause of ulcers and how apasih How to treat boils?. ulcer or boil or abscesses is a disease that often strikes society. In general an abscess is a collection of pus collected in the cavity and is formed by the tissue due to bacterial or parasites. Sometimes it is not uncommon also ulcers caused by food (food allergy). Circumstances surrounding slum environment can also affect exposed adhesive. Cleanliness of the body becomes a major factor to avoid the disease. This is caused by inflammation that occurs in the area of ​​the hair follicle and surrounding skin. The most common cause of ulcers is the bacteria staphylococcus aureus experienced, because it boils can also be interpreted as a local infection in the skin. Abscess formation due to infected hair follicles, and then because of irritation, friction, and less net body treatments and ultimately arises ulcers.

In general, ulcers will appear with the release of soft and red bumps on the skin. Then on top of that there are white bumps that can break or be removed by a doctor (through minor surgical procedures). Discharge from the abscess is a pus is sent by the body to fight bacteria that infects the skin, the white fluid that contains white blood cells

Ulcers occur because:
    1. Allergies or eating foods that contain high protein: eggs, milk, chicken, etc. country.
    2. Primarily and most often is due to immune deficiencies and at that time less intact skin hygiene such as: do not bathe, shower with less water and clean towels. wearing dirty clothes or scratching the skin with dirty nails, etc..

ulcer treatments
 - injet (limestone in soak) and palm sugar ratio of 1:1 plus enough water is applied to boils, Several times I tried this recipe boils did not appear.
 - 30-60 grams of crushed leaves sosor bebek (alanchoe pinnata Pers), then wring it out. Add honey and drink. The remaining leaves attached to the affected part.

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