The cause of allergies and allergy is an abnormal reaction in the body caused by substances that are harmless. Allergies occur when there is contact of certain substances that are usually, in normal people do not cause a reaction. This allergy-causing substance called an allergen. Allergen can be derived from various types and into the body in various ways. It could be via the respiratory tract, derived from food, by injection or it could also arise as a result of contact with the skin such as cosmetics, metal jewelry or watches, etc.. The most common substances that cause allergies: Powder plant; certain types of grass; type of tree is smooth and thin-skinned; pollen spores; penicillin; seafood; eggs; green beans, peanuts, soybeans and other beans; milk; corn and flour corn insect stings; fur; cockroaches; dust and fleas. Is also not less often are food additives, flavorings, colorings and preservatives. Determining the cause of allergies can be done in the following ways:

Avoiding substances that are suspected allergen, then try again after the symptoms disappear substance. For example, if the suspected allergen is the food, then you should stop eating these foods. Once the symptoms disappear, try to eat it again and see if the same reaction.

Perform an allergy test and see the family history and the history of the frequency of the attacks occurred. If one parent suffers from allergies, then chances are lowered risk of disease in children about 25% -30%. In the meantime, if both parents are patient, then the risk increases to 60% -70%. In addition to physical examination and investigations such as skin allergy tests, x-rays, laboratory tests, and further tests if needed. Tests on the skin is a very simple examination to diagnose allergies. By providing specific substances on the skin of a person, a substance that can be known allergen for that person. Substances in small quantities injected. If there is swelling on the injection was given, then the substance is an allergen. Overcoming Allergies Some things you can do to prevent allergies.

Keeping the humidity of the room by adjusting the wind and air circulation.

Maintain cleanliness of clothes and change bed linen at least once a week.

Maintain cleanliness of clothes and change bed linen at least once a week.

cleaning the yard and make sure there are no piles of garbage and puddles of water that would be the emergence of fungi.

Consultation with a doctor and do an allergy test to find out which allergens should be avoided. Symptoms that may occur due to allergies include: intense itching in the throat; itchy mouth, itchy eyes; itching of the skin or other body parts; headache; nasal congestion or runny nose; shortness of breath; wheezing; difficulty swallowing; sudden runny nose and sneezing -sneezing, etc.. Treatment depends on the type of allergies and severe symptoms. The goal of treatment is not cure but reduce the symptoms and avoid attacks more severe in the future. Mild symptoms usually do not require special treatment. The symptoms will disappear after a while. Giving Antihistamines can help relieve many symptoms. High-Desert Aller Bee-Gone is most appropriate allergy treatment not with drugs but by avoiding the allergen. Theoretically, the allergy can not be eliminated, but can be reduced and the frequency of severe attacks. But every so often in everyday life, difficult to avoid allergens. For that, it takes the immune system to prevent allergies.

Allergy treatment outside
in dab on the itching part
Take 6 pieces of betel leaf,
1 piece of ginger yellow,
1.5 tablespoon of eucalyptus oil.

How: all ingredients are ground together until smooth,
then rubbed on the body that itch.


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