whether nosebleeds something dangerous? nosebleeds can usually stops without specific treatment. nosebleeds and the symptoms can diminish or disappear with age.
Nosebleeds can be the result of a trauma, including nose picking habit.
Most nosebleeds in children is not harmful. So, no need to panic with symptoms of nosebleeds. As long as the child looks healthy and active, is also not accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, parents need not overly worry over this bleeding symptoms.
then why frequent bleeding from the nose or nosebleeds? because the nose is where blood vessels.

Why nosebleeds most commonly occur in children?
Mucous membranes and blood vessels are thin and sensitive child, so when there are trigger factors such as cold or mild trauma, blood was immediately poured out. The occurrence was generally spontaneous nosebleeds, lightweight, and easy to stop.

  What are the trigger nosebleeds in children?
     As a result of trauma impact hard objects, foreign objects intruding, or scraped-match which makes the mucous membranes and blood vessels in the nose injured and cause nosebleeds.
     The use of AC is not wise, How the air conditioner that absorbs water vapor in the air makes the humidity in the room is much reduced. Plus, the temperature is too cold makes the air is getting dry. Dry air is sucked child will make breathing equipment to dry, so the mucus membranes fragile and nosebleeds occur.

How do I treat a nosebleed?
This is a traditional Indonesian medicine nosebleed, nosebleeds or if you hit your child bleeding does not hurt to try this treatment of nosebleeds native Indonesia.
A piece of betel leaf that has been washed clean twisted and stuffed into the child's nose.
For the treatment of nosebleeds from the body do with the ingredients:
1 / 2 thumbs lote peeled tubers that have been scraped clean and brewed with 1 cup hot water
then filtered
and after cold drunk to the child plus a little honey.
good luck with Indonesian-style nosebleed medicine

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