Asthma is a condition in which the airways are narrowedbecause hyperactivity to certain stimuli, which causeinflammation.

Refinement was temporarywhich can be triggered by variousstimulisuch as pollendust, animal dander, smoke, cold air and exerciseSymptoms that arise in the form of recurrent episodicwheezing (wheezing ngik-ngik), shortness of breathchest tightness and coughing, especially at night before dawn. Asthmais not well controlled clearly disturbingnot only forpenyandangnyabut also his familyMoreover, when the asthmaattack children.According to the World Health Organization, as many as 100-150million people worldwide are people with asthma, and that number continues to grow as many as 180,000 people with asthma every year. Some information, such as in Canada in 2003, asthma is the cause of the loss of 24.5 million working days, while in Asia, Europe and the United States, asthmacauses the loss of school days in children as much as 16 percent.
Asthma is easily recognizable and easily treated. In fact, everyperson with asthma can treat himself when being exposed toattack. "Many asthma medications are sold freely, the patient may be taking drugs so asthma attacks asthma present with symptoms of shortness of breath accompanied by wheezingsounds, so that asthma attacks immediately disappeared. Sorelieved breath back, shortness of lost, missing cough as ifhealthy again. But here I speak Indonesian-style traditionaltreatment of asthmaasthma treatment is very effective, in our area. if you are curious about the treatment of asthma in the style of country we please try the following asthma treatment.the treatment of asthma

Ten garlic cloves grated

plus 1 cup honey, and then steamed.

Give the child as much as 1 teaspoon

twice a day.

It could also, 10 cloves of grated garlic

1 ounce rock sugar

boiled with 1 cup of water.

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