Many women of childbearing age who regularly experienced menstrual pain. Pain associated with cramps that took place in the days before or early menstruation. Pain felt in the lower abdomen or the middle and may radiate down to the hips, thighs, and back. The intensity of menstrual pain up and down repeatedly, following the underlying uterine muscle contractions. The severity of menstrual pain varies among women and between the same periods in women. At one point, menstrual pain may be barely felt. At other times, it can be very severe pain accompanied by seizures, weakness, fever, dizziness and gastric disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
 Painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea called in medical language in general is a normal thing. Substances called prostaglandins are the main cause. This substance is produced by the body and found in the lining of the uterus. When the process of menstruation begins, these substances stimulate uterine contractions to release layer, causing cramps. These substances also cause vasodilation of blood circulation system. Expands the arteries and veins, so that menstrual blood is more easily removed. However, it also can cause decreased blood pressure so the body will feel weak and dizzy head. In some women, prostaglandins also triggers smooth muscle contraction and spasm of the gastro-intestinal tract, causing nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, the flow of menstrual blood can also participate worsen menstrual pain. Blood clots or heavy menstrual blood flow must pass through a narrow opening of the cervix. Stretching of the cervix by the flow can cause pain. That's why menstrual pain decreased or disappeared in some women after giving birth to their first baby.

 Menstrual pain is mainly felt by young women in the early years of menstruation, a woman who beriwayat early menarche (less than 12 years) and women who spend more of menstrual blood. In more rare cases, menstrual pain caused by a condition or disease, such as endometriosis, sexually transmitted disease, ovarian cysts or problems spiral (IUD). If you begin to feel the painful menstruation after age 25 years or when the menstrual pain accompanied by other symptoms such as menstrual bleeding that never stops or foul smelling, you need to consult a doctor.

 treatment of menstrual pain
 turmeric boiled with acid
 then drink the water

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