Dandruff is not only cause itching on the scalp but can also interfere with the appearance and reduce a person's self confidence. cause of dandruff from the outside is because conditions such as use of hair treatments that are less precise or less clean the scalp condition. Too often exposed to heat or use a hair dryer should be avoided to prevent the problem of dandruff.
Having dandruff hair was a bitch. In addition to itching, certainly not tasty at the sight of white powder falling from the scalp. No wonder the owners are often in crisis confident dandruff.
The key to healthy hair free of dandruff is actually originated from the scalp. On a healthy scalp, each layer of the scalp is in normal circumstances. While the scalp have dandruff problem, the excess micro-organisms that are naturally led to excessive mold growth.
The key to healthy hair free of dandruff is actually originated from the scalp. On a healthy scalp, each layer of the scalp is in normal circumstances. While the scalp have dandruff problem, the excess micro-organisms that are naturally led to excessive mold growth.
Fat and Dandruff
Many factors cause hair dandruff, such as the use of hair cosmetics, micro-organisms, malnutrition, too often swim, bask in the sun, as well as other causes, such as hormones. Dandruff is also preferred to fester if the scalp is often dusty. Heredity affects the dandruff. If a person has inherited the status of seborrheic (containing much oil), most likely the person is dandruff and acne.
In general, dandruff can be treated in several ways. The first is to remove stress and get enough rest. After that, keep your hair clean regularly to remove bacteria that causes the buildup of oil on the scalp. and that I will give here is the traditional way of treatment of dandruff Indonesia
Once You Know Some Causes Dandruff, Now Time You Must Know How Dandruff Treatment.
treatment of dandruff
Soak sliced chili in lime juice.
Then on Apply on the head before shampooing.
if dandruff is not also lost, you can try on salon hair care products. For example, Makarizo Spa & Scalp Treatment for dandruff or the latest is Makarizo Vorsatz which issued a series of treatments for dandruff dandruff dry and wet. Finally, fill your nutritional requirements are derived from fruit and vegetables.
If you have done it but dandruff treatment persists, then consult a doctor immediately to determine the definite cause of dandruff and given proper treatment.
If you have done it but dandruff treatment persists, then consult a doctor immediately to determine the definite cause of dandruff and given proper treatment.
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